Hello lovelies!

I hope you had an absolutely amazing New Year and are feeling super excited for the fabulousness of 2016!

I think that January is always such a wonderful month as we are full of renewed energy and enthusiasm and get the chance to really go for those goals that perhaps ended up getting pushed aside last year.

As we move further into the new year, I felt inspired to reach out to you with some extra guidance.

If your inbox is anything like mine, I'm sure that you have been inundated with offers for new courses and mentorships to help you get your business up and running in 2016.

This is all so exciting but I also want to check in with you and help you to avoid going into overwhelm.



When I first started my coaching business, I could have been the billboard model for 'Shiny Object Syndrome'!

I was so excited by all of the amazing mentors that kept popping into my inbox and I couldn't get enough of all the super helpful advice, tips and webinars that were constantly on overflow.

The problem with this was that I was so intent on accessing as much information as I could that I didn't allow myself any room for implementation. I hardly even left myself enough time to learn all of the material that I was signing up for.

It was only when I took a step back and started taking action, that all of the wheels stopped spinning and my business started making traction.


My point today, is to take a moment to look inside yourself at the information and skills that are already inside you. Stop searching for success in everything and everyone around you and start looking inward at how ready you already are to take on the world.

Inside of signing up for five sparkly e-courses that will sit gathering dust, find one amazing mentor who will take the time to fully understand you and support you in your new venture.

Start implementing the information that you have already learned and set intentions with your coach for every single day this month.


If you're ready to really start the new year with a bang and start creating your own jet-set lifestyle and business NOW then I would love to speak to you, 

Click here to schedule a free call and we can explore working together and making 2016 the best year EVER!

With lots of jet set love,

Debra xxxx
