When I stood on my doorstep last night, my husband and two little girls beside me, clapping for the incredible people up and down our great country who are working tirelessly to care for our nation’s loved ones, I felt completely overwhelmed. I wanted to let go and cry; to give in to the tears that are ever present as I go about my day, homeschooling and running my coaching business. 

Believe me, I completely understand how you feel.

I also understand how you’re trying to put one foot in front of the other and get through your day intact for the sake of the people around you…and for your own sanity.

I’ve put together some little tips that I use with my clients to help you find a haven of happiness in challenging times.

I hope that they help, even a little, to ease the stress of these times - 

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1) One of the first concepts that I learnt as a mindset coach is that what we focus on expands. It has been proven many times that whatever we give our energy and attention to in life grows and this is still true in this strange time of limbo. Our minds are constantly running so give yourself something positive to think about throughout the day, starting as soon as you wake up. 

It is so compelling these days to pick up our phone and check the news feed as soon as we open our eyes. This then leads to a quick scroll on Facebook and a browse through Instagram and before we know it we have taken on the opinions and theories of hundreds of people before we even get out of bed.

How about if, starting today, you saturate your mind with things that make you smile instead of stress and worry? Of course you can check the news once a day in order to stay informed of the current situation but then switch off! Apart from the daily facts and advice the rest of what we hear is speculation and opinion and nothing constructive can come from listening to it.

Choose instead to put some music on in the background or listen to your favourite podcast. Spend time talking to the people who are currently your lockdown companions and catch up on those film and books that always get pushed aside. If you have the luxury of some outdoor space then use it! Take your coffee outside and listen to the sounds around you…those negative thoughts won’t have time to sneak up on you because there’s simply no room.

2) This next tip is something that I learnt when I started to study energy work and meditation. Before you brush this off as something that you simply don’t have the time or patience for….hear me out! What I’m suggesting only takes five minutes and is available to you at a moment’s notice; it’s the ability to create a sacred space that only you know about and that instantly recharges you ready for the next challenge that the day has to throw at you.

Simply close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Think of a place that fills you with happiness - it could be a real place that you have visited in the past or an imaginary place that you create especially for this purpose. Personally, I have created an enchanted garden surrounded by high walls and bougainvillea that can only be accessed by a heavy, metal key which is hidden away among the vines! Secret Garden fans, anyone?!

Imagine yourself entering this place and take in everything about it; the scents, the sounds, the feeling that embraces you when you look around and let yourself be present in the moment. Can you hear bees buzzing around you or the soothing sound of the waterfall in the distance? Walk around this special place and see if anything needs taken care of - are there any unruly weeds that you can pull out or do any of your exotic plants need watering?

Take a couple of minutes to care for your sacred spot and when you’re ready, say goodbye and return to your physical space. Remember that this place you have created is here for you whenever you need a quick time out or change of perspective.


3) The final tip that I want to give you is to keep track of your mood throughout the day. We are always in control of what we think and this will help you stay on track and catch any warning signs before you go full speed ahead into a spiral of sorrow and despair.

Our feelings are always created by what we are thinking…always. So, if you find yourself feeling sad or angry or simply out of sorts, stop for a moment and remember what you were thinking about. Was it something that can help you in the present? Chances are you were thinking about something that has bothered you in the past or were worrying about something that may (or may not) occur in the future.

Take this opportunity to bring yourself back to the present moment and shift your thoughts into something happier - maybe even just distract yourself by listening to the words of the song on the radio or the actor talking on the TV. You can even set yourself a regular reminder on your phone to check in with how you’re feeling and adjust your thoughts accordingly - you are always in control

I hope these three tips helped! 

Most importantly, remember that you’re only human and times are tough right now. Give yourself credit for simply getting through the day and always know that you’re not alone…we are going through this together and support is always available for you when you need it.

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Take care and stay safe - you’ve got this!

Sign up for free weekly wellness tips at my website www.debrasantangelo.com
