I hope your week is going fabulously! Today I felt called to contact you with a different kind of email. Today I am here in your inbox to give you permission to take a step back from the hustle bustle and to just BREATHE.

I feel like the past couple of weeks have been defined by a constant bombardment of information and offers. Now, I love Black Friday as much as the next person, but by Cyber Monday I felt like the sales emails had all merged into one big overwhelming 'deal'! 

It actually motivated me to clean out my inbox (which was long overdue) and it was so liberating to only see the emails that really mattered to me.

If you can relate to this feeling of information overload then maybe it's time for you to tune out the background noise and get realigned with your purpose and your 'why'.

This means something different for everyone. For me it means spending some time meditating and getting out with my girls. For others it could be a bright and breezy walk along the beach or diving into your favourite book.

So, if you are the kind of person that keeps on working away until something else comes up ........then here it is.

This is your permission.

Believe me, you will come back with inspired energy and your business (and mind) will thank you for it. 

With lots of jet set love,

Debra XXXX  

P.S. Do you feel like you need extra support? Book a free call with me and we can explore working together!

Book a Clarity Call

